Tuesday, January 4, 2011

my new friend, michael.

this post is dedicated to a wonderful young man, michael don glauser.

it's probably weird to hear me call my brother my "friend," but quite frankly, that's the best way i can describe it. this christmas break has been about shifting my relationship from "older sister" to overall friend, and it has been more than wonderful.

even though michael is one of the closest to my age in the family, we have, unfortunately, been the most distant. growing up, he's mainly just been the annoying younger brother that would rap and make up gibberish words. just recently, however, ever since he's experienced his first semester in college, things have changed between us--he has grown up, and so have i.

apart from myself, he is the only other glauser that has ventured out of Utah to continue and further his education (college wise). he is currently going to school in Irvine, CA and golfing in division 2 of the NCAA.... the first of us glausers to be playing sports on a collegiate level! pretty amazing!

anyway, ever since he has been home for christmas break, him and i immediately sparked a new bond with one another. whether it was because we're both going to school away from home, or we just needed to grow up a bit, it doesn't really matter. all i care about, and that i am grateful for, is that i have a new friendship and deeper love and appreciation for my little brother, mike :)

love ya, bro ;)

this is a picture and him and i venturing together to an open agency call, ProScout. isn't he just cute?!

Monday, January 3, 2011

STG winter wonderland

i thought i could get away from the snow on my christmas break.... i guess not....
oh well! c'est la vie!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

ebel skeibers

yes, that's the actual name of this Welsh breakfast food...

making some "vision boards" tonight too :)

i share my world this way, with a picture each day: 2011

for some reason i am just giddy about 2011! when i think about all the potential it holds, i just get excited! i haven't felt like this about a new year in a really long time, so that makes it even more thrilling!

my new project: "i share my world this way, with a picture each day" is my way of documenting each day of my life this year and taking a picture of something that stands out everyday! this will also help keep me updated with my blog and keeping friends and family informed. it's not so overwhelming :)

Jan 1st:
it was "night in with the family" including... yoga, enchiladas, games, and writing down our intentions/goals for 2011. so fun and motivating!
i just love my family. :)