Sunday, January 2, 2011

i share my world this way, with a picture each day: 2011

for some reason i am just giddy about 2011! when i think about all the potential it holds, i just get excited! i haven't felt like this about a new year in a really long time, so that makes it even more thrilling!

my new project: "i share my world this way, with a picture each day" is my way of documenting each day of my life this year and taking a picture of something that stands out everyday! this will also help keep me updated with my blog and keeping friends and family informed. it's not so overwhelming :)

Jan 1st:
it was "night in with the family" including... yoga, enchiladas, games, and writing down our intentions/goals for 2011. so fun and motivating!
i just love my family. :)

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