Today was a really good day. I think it all started off at midnight when my roommate, Katie, and I stayed up talking for two hours talking about life, love, and everything in between. All the stuff that makes you feel good inside. Everything that makes you want to live. Really cool.
Some good quotes that came out of last night:
"There's no way to prepare for the future, because all you really have is right NOW."
"Re-member who you are."
"Everything that is created starts with a thought, therefore we can create anything."
"Why spend time dwelling on the past? Or worrying about the future? When all we really have is this moment."
"No one will ever look at the world the way you do."
After sleeping for 5 hours and waking up for 8am ballet, I thought that I would just be tired and have a normal, tired day, but actually it just got better.
In my acting class, we did a "mirroring" improv game with our scene partners. At first, she would tell us who would lead and we would take turns doing that. Then after she told us to conspire and decide who would be leading, but we had to try and decieve the audience by not letting them know who really was leading. Very cool. First of all because you are so connected with one another, trying to focus, and at some points you don't really know who is leading. A kind of tunnel vision set in all around you and just focused on their eyes and suddenly everything around you was connected and knew exactly what your body was doing, and what their body was doing. Cool. Then, after that, she had us "follow the follower" so basically no one was leading. This was even more cool. We started off just breathing together. Getting connected to one anothers breath. Then, just trusting. Trusting eachother, trusting that movement will happen. Trust. Can anything be more powerful than that? To just TRUST? Mmm... I just loved it.
Some good quotes from her today:
"Release any impulse to lead and just trust."
"Once you release the urge to lead, the movement will just happen."
"Allow yourself to breath together and to be in tune with one another."
"Allow yourself to put complete trust in your partner."
"Become one with one another."
"Let the breath move you."
"Every movement give you permission to move again."
She compared it to acting, of course. How in a scene with two, or however many poeple, you just give. Give to one another. Let it happen. That's why poeple come see theatre because when the actors become in touch with one another and just trust the moment, it will just happen. No one wants to see something perfectly plotted out, so they know and the character knows exactly whats going to happen next. No. We see theatre because it is honest. And truthful. And all in the moment. Because if something happens, that has never happened before, then it isn't really "unexpected." It is what it is and the actor can cope with it and trust it and USE it. I don't really know if I'm making any sense, but I guess it doesn't really matter. I had a lovely day today. It all connected with me and spoke to me. Really made me want to just LIVE. And it was just another day that made me realize why I am here, at Point Park, just doing what I know to do. Actually doing my passion. Theatre.